Find a native speaker, who wants to practice your native language, to text chat, voice chat, or video chat with.
It is available for iOS and Android(GooglePlay) devices.
Reviews of the Tandem application:
It is truly amazing. Formerly called Language Learning with Netflix. Now called Language Reactor.
These three programs allow one to listen to an article, podcast, or text and read the corresponding transcript at the same time.
They also keep track of the words in the text that you already know. You can click on a word, that you don't know, and it shows you multiple definitions of the words from various online sources; you then choose the definition that fixes for the text that you are reading. Later they can test you on the words that you know. Very powerful programs. Must see in action to really understand how they works.
Discussion of all three of the above:
Many youtube videos explain how this program works. Be sure to look at a recent video because this program keeps changing. I have been using this program to learn Spanish. I have uploaded audio and text for my private use. I have also used audio and texts that are public.
demo of learning with text:
LWT Online Demo - try it out:General Hints:
- Do not use for productive work!!
- Your data may be deleted at any time by other users!!
- Only one LWT table set is available - the multiple table set feature has been deactivated.
- You may "reset" the demo by going to "Backup/Restore", and by clicking on "Install LWT Demo Database".
- START ONLINE DEMO (at, User ID = lwt, Password = lwt)
This open source project is extremely well documented. I have it running on a virtual Linux machine. I also tried the demo.
The short texts are too short.
This MOOC has engineering and nonengineering courses, that are taught in German. The company is located in Berlin. They specialize in offering classes from European universities.
Self study. Start anytime.
Self study. Start anytime.
Self study. Start anytime.
Self study. Start anytime.
Self study. Start anytime.
Self study. Start anytime.
This MOOC offers mainly engineering courses from the Hasso Plattner Institute. Most courses are taught in German. The institute is located in Pottsdam, Germany.
Monday, September 18, 2017 08:00 (UTC) to Monday, October 02, 2017 20:00 (UTC)
Self study. Start anytime.
Self study. Start anytime.
Self study. Start anytime.
Self study. Start anytime.
Self study. Start anytime.
Self study. Start anytime.
Self study. Start anytime.
Self study. Start anytime.
Self study. Start anytime.
Self study. Start anytime.
Self study. Start anytime.
Self study. Start anytime.
Self study. Start anytime.
This MOOC has engineering and nonengineering courses, that are taught in German. It is part of the Lubeck Fachhochschule.
September 12, 2017, 10 Wochen
October 2, 2017, 12 Weeks
October 16, 2017, 8 Weeks
Self study. Start anytime., 6 Wochen
Self study. Start anytime., 6 Wochen
Self study. Start anytime., 7 Wochen
Self study. Start anytime., 4 Wochen
Self study. Start anytime., 4 Monaten
This MOOC has engineering and nonengineering courses, that are mainly taught in English but occassionally there will be a course taught in German or a course taught in English about something German. Many courses that were previously at are now at
This MOOC has engineering and nonengineering courses, that are mainly taught in English but occassionally there will be a course taught in German. Many courses that were previously at are now at
26. September 2016, 9 Wochen
This MOOC has engineering and nonengineering courses, that are mainly taught in English but occassionally there will be a course taught in German.
Self study. Start anytime.
I talk regularly with people from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland with This costs $4 per month or $24 per year.
Gabriel Gelman from recently recommended another tandem language partner site This service is free. Gabriel's comments are here:
I am now using the Tandem application. It is available for iOS and Android(GooglePlay) devices. In the future, it is suppose to be available for desktop devices. See: There is a review of the Tandem application here:
Read on your desktop computer, or on your iOS or Android device.
Once registered, search for:
If you are outside the USA, then to register, find your Goethe Institute at:
A demonstration of the online library is at:,0-0-0-100-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 .html
For only USA, contact Goethe Institute in New York
This is the best deal in the Internet for only $10 FREE (zero) (kostenlos!) per year
has German videos, including full length movies, interviews, and songs. Note because of copyright laws, the movies sometimes disappear or may not be available in all countries.
Sometimes by searching "ganzer Film", while means "whole Film", you can find all of a German movie on youtube. Note because of copyright laws, the movies sometimes disappear or may not be available in all countries.
Recommended by Georgi Yankov
Great technical videos explaining how to use Windows and other computer products. All videos are in German.
TheSimpleClub bietet Erklärvideos, Übungsaufgaben und Zusammenfassungen in acht verschiedenen Disziplinen. Abrufbar sind die Videos auf Youtube, einer eigenen App oder der Website. Behandelt werden in dem Club in lockerem Plauderton relevante Themen für Schüler und Studenten.
Mathe by Daniel Jung heißt ein aus mehr als 2000 kurzen Videos bestehendes Angebot für Mathe-Nachhilfe. Am Whiteboard erklärt Jung ganz unprätentiös und leicht verständlich mathematische Themen von der 5. Klasse bis zum Studium.
Musstewissen ist ein ZDF-Schulbegleitungsformat für funk, ein Content-Netzwerk auf Youtube, Facebook und Co.; Nachhilfe gibt es in fünf Fächern, inhaltlich werden schulische Themen ab der 8. Klasse behandelt.
Phil’s Physics sollte ursprünglich nur ein Buch werden. Mit dem Erscheinen ist zusätzlich ein Youtube-Kanal daraus entstanden, auf dem der Physik-Doktorand Philip Häusser physikalische Alltagsphänomene ausprobiert und erklärt.
Die Klugscheisserin ist ein Kanal von Lisa Ruhfus, auf dem sie Fragen beantwortet, die sich kluge Menschen schon immer gestellt haben. Dabei imitiert sie den Duktus einer strengen Deutschlehrerin. Techtastisch besteht aus kurzen Unterhaltungsvideos, in denen losgelöst von deutschen Lehrplänen anhand von Experimenten chemische Reaktionen und physikalische Phänomene vorgestellt werden.
MrWissen2go heißt eigentlich Mirko Drotschmann. Auf seinem Kanal erklärt er Geschichte und Politik und gibt prägnante Rückblicke auf Nachrichten der Woche.
Der Kurs existiert in sechs Sprachen (Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Russisch, Arabisch, Chinesisch) und beinhaltet nicht nur Grammatik und Wortschatz, sondern auch Reportagen über Wien.
Du weißt definitiv, dass du der deutschen Sprache mächtig bist, wenn du "tschechisches Streichhlolzschächtelchen" aussprechen kannst.
You know you're German when ... you can pronounce "tschechisches Streichholzschächtelchen".
Peter Heinrich tells and shows you everything that his family is doing in easy German with subtitles in German.
Highly recommended: 10 minute video explaining what his project Peter Heinrich's easydaf Gastfamilie is.
By the way, if you go to: Peter Heinrich's easydaf Gastfamilie , you can get first 3 full length movies free.
This is my favorite video. This is the first 2 minutes of the actual video. You need to subscribe to to see the full video.
Olga from Perm, Russia interviews people in Berlin about family life.
Also available on YouTube Easy German 158 Family Life in Germany
Learn German with Easy German: Famous polyglot Luca ( visits us in Berlin :D So Cari and Luca go out and ask people in the streets about the best methods to learn a language!
Also available on YouTube Easy German 138 - How to learn a new language?
Learn German with Easy German: Idahosa believes in the power of music when it comes to language learning. So he asks people in Berlin for German music to recommend for learning German :D
Also available on YouTube Easy German 124 - Deutsch lernen mit Musik
Learn German with Easy German: Manuel talks to people in Basel, Switzerland, to find out what the Swiss really think about their neighboring country, Germany.
Also available on YouTube Easy German 120 - What do the Swiss think about Germany
On the YouTube page there are 337 comments
Films to learn German, recommended by the Goethe Institute.
Discusses news stories with excercises.
This website has:
How do you conjugate googeln? See:
One can paste in German text, and then the website will correct the text. Recently, this website, started posting so many ads, that it became very annoying.
However there is a better website (hard to believe that it is better than Duden) to check your text for grammar mistakes called:
Many things on this website including jokes for kids.
A German children's friendly search engine. Try this instead of google.
German Tongue Twisters Note: Translations are at the bottom of the webpage.
Free email subscription to Online Der Spiegel daily news summary.
Easy news.
kiraka stands for: Kinder Radio Kanal
There are things on this children's website to listen to and to read.
Sponsored by WDR(Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln)
If you have ever worked in Germany, sign-up for this.
Funny videos about Sam the American experiences in Germany.
For the other videos in the series, go to
and search on:
extr@ auf Deutsch Sam
There are so many things here. One can view the website in German or in English. There are videos. There are free German language courses. There is slowly spoken German news.
Sometimes people tell me that they get DW through their Comcast cable television; there is so much more on the DW website.
One can also subscribe to daily slowly spoken German news through iTunes.
Listen to German radio. This is a Monday - Friday talkin show. Each show is about one particular topic.
One can access the shows from this website or thru iTunes.
In the iTunes store, search:
Goethe Institut
Peter Heinrich tells and shows you everything that his family is doing in easy German with subtitles in German.
Highly recommended: 10 minute video explaining what his project Peter Heinrich's easydaf Gastfamilie is.
By the way, if you go to: Peter Heinrich's easydaf Gastfamilie , you can get first 3 full length movies free.
This is my favorite video. This is the first 2 minutes of the actual video. You need to subscribe to to see the full video.
Please also see:
German activities, which are only available in Northern California:
In person: classes, meetup groups, etc.